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Web Site Hosting


Most companies don't give hosting much attention where they should.  It is a very important faucet to how your website is delivered to clients.  You could have a remarkable website, but if it isn't available in spike times or is has poor uptime, this has a drastic effect on your website ranking and company image.  Even if your website loads quickly from your office, DOES NOT mean that it loads quickly elsewhere.

  • Ensure website loads quickly to your target market
  • Ensure host is reliable and reputable (not endorsing other high risk sites which can affect your web ranking)

How Intrigue Can Help

Intrigue hosting is fully supported and managed to ensure your server is setup properly and optimized for your specific needs.  Our trusted administrators are trained and focused to sustain your hosting requirements.   We provide 24-hour support by email, online ticket response system, and by phone during regular business hours. 


Our website hosting facilities have been stress tested up to 2 millions visits a day while sustaining a recorded up-time rate of 99.97%.

Server Locations

Our data centers are located across North America, from Toronto web site hosting facilities through to Houston, Texas. Our hosting services provide fast, timely North American-wide service for all your web site visitors.

We currently offer linux/nix hosting for PHP and MySQL.
For more information please contact: sales [at] intriguedevelopment [dot] com

Reduced Rates

Intrigue offers reduced rates for environmental friendly organizations and non-profits.

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